Here you can find all of the latest news from Andrews Bowen. If you would like any further information, please contact us on 01995 672103 or email us at

Heading to BSNC?

Andrews Bowen are looking forward to the British Showjumping National Championships next week

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Bolesworth International Horse Show 2018

The outstanding event ran last week at Bolesworth Castle on Andrews Bowen Facilities.

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Wellington Riding – One Year On

One year later the Olympic sized outdoor arena at Wellington Riding is performing superbly.

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Team Success at The FEI Nations Cup

Julie Andrews and British Team members secure second place at the Nations Cup.

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A Busy Bank Holiday Weekend for Andrews Bowen Clie...

Many successful events ran throughout the weekend on Andrews Bowen surfaces

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37th Asian Racing Conference

The 37th Asian Racing Conference, held in Seoul, South Korea is underway this week.

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Winter SJ & Dressage Championships at Hartpur...

Another great success for both of the championship shows held at Hartpury College

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Gornall Equestrian Open Day

Gornall Equestrian Open Day proved to be a great success at Home Farm.

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More Positive Feedback From Andrews Bowen Customer...

As temperatures dropped our customers got in touch to praise their surfaces

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Myerscough Premier League

A successful Premier League for Andrews Bowen Clients.

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Andrews Bowen Confirmed as Official Surface Suppli...

Andrews Bowen have been confirmed as being the Official Surface Supplier for the show for the next five years – until 2022!

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Andrews Bowen Propell Surface Proves To Be Well Su...

Jenny Duffin recently had a new Andrews Bowen surface installed at Woodside Farm.

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